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oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.
7:26:54 AM|*


purple is my least favorite shade of blue. its a color blind thing.
2:58:37 PM|*


oh yeah, my braces did come off the other day and everybody say i look like a movie star. my hair cut looks pretty good too. its a little bit short but I can tell it will look nice in a week or so. then there was the concert!! heck ya!!! first there was Guster. they were just amazing!!!! i can't stress that enough. brian 'the legendary conguero' was the most entertaing thing i have seen in a really long time. the sound in the universal amphateatre was just oustanding. i got everybody from gusters autograph on my Lost and Gone Forever cd after their set. so did everybody else in my family, even though im the only true guster fan. it really sort of makes me mad because my sister likes to take bands that i have discovered and make them 'her band'. i mean i listened to guster and barenaked ladies way before anybody else in my family. i have been a guster fan for about 2 years already. anyway, Barenaked Ladies were amazing as well. i will talk about them in a latter post. i am still in my nap recovering zone.
6:22:26 PM|*

taking after school naps has become like a drug to me. i keep doing it more often and its getting to the point where its really hard for me to go without one. even though there is a good sensation of getting rest while im napping, i feel like crap afterwards. it takes me a couple of hours to recover from my drousiness. its making more anti-social, as most of my friends are online chatting during my napping hours. so as you can see, napping is pretty much a drug to me.
6:16:38 PM|*


i bought a pair of navy blue saucony's today. my dad hate my favorite shirt. if your a rebel your parents are supposed to hate the way you dress. im not a rebel, but i don't care. i need to empy my trach. i hate ants. im downloading a mineral song. some really cool girl said it was her favorite, so i am getting it. what would we do without napster? inside jokes are only cool when you are on the inside. music is only good for those who can hear it. feeling the beat just wouldn't be the same. i thank Gor my hearing. I AM GETTING MY BRACES OFF TOMMOROW. i didnt have to make up my math test today. i went to a small group with my friends. i emailed my favorite girl telling her about my day. i tried to compliment her, girls always like that (even more than guys). NOTE TO GUYS: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE EXTREMELY HUNKY LOOKING FOR GIRLS TO BE ATTRACTED TO YOU. IF YOU COMPLIMENT GIRLS AND BE YOUR COOL, CONFIDENT SELF AROUND THEM....THEY WILL DIG YOU. or at least thats what i hope. its my only hope. sort of, im shy. im not always very sociable with girls. the really hot ones that is. oh yeah...and the REALLY ugly ones too. not to say that anybody is ugly. they might be in my eye, but maybe not your and deffineltly not Gods. so thats all i will say for today, not that it was short. i just need to get sleep. tommorow should rock. if it does you will hear about it, if it doesn't you will probably hear even more about it. thats because i, like most people (especially those in the BLOGGER community), tend to complain. oh well, i love you. thats it. cheers.
10:45:43 PM|*





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